
MSI is proudly launched a new product the Trailer Mounted flare stack

fac 19/01/2016

Trailer Mounted Flare Stack 60ft, Hydraulic with piezo-electric ignition pilots.

Frac Pumper

fac_pumper 05/11/2015

Trailer Mounted Frac Pumper with 3000HP Triplex Pump, 2500HP Diesel Engine, centrifugal booster pump and control system. Built in the UAE for weather and terrains conditions of the Middle East.

MSI is proud to announce the completion of its newly designed

dual_pot_sand_filter 27/09/2014

MSI is proud to announce the completion of its newly designed 3-1/16 10k dual pot vertical sand filter, going now in operation in Europe for a Canadian client. MSI has several cementing units, pumping units, manifolds in stock and treating iron.
Feel free to contact us for further details.